legal notice

Entering this site the user and Sartoriadilusso agrees that any issues that may arise with regard to this website are regulated by the current legislation of Italy.Sartoriadilusso cannot guarantee that the contents os the site are allowed in other countries, and that the user can get access these contents  from countries where they are considered illegal and such access is clearly prohibited. Users who choose to open this website from the above mentioned locations, do so at their own risk, and are liable for their actions in the franework of local legislation.

The site is owned by Frano S.r.l.s. (Frano), based in via G.Fiorelli 12, 80121 Napoli, Italia. The ownership extends to the documentation, images, characters, design, music, software, codes and format scripts, although it is not limited to the above mentioned things. The contents of the website are protected by copyright. All names, logos, images and trademarks on this site belong to the site owners.

Reproduction, modification, transmission, re-publication and/or re-distribution of any cotents to third parties for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited without the express written consent eceived from Frano. The users of the site agree to respect all the conditions included in this declaration.

The access and the site is not allowed to users that do not accept these terms. Clients will be informed of the impossibility of processing an order or of the fact that a product they want to order is out of stock. Sartoriadilusso reserves the right to reject an order in case our bank does not receive any payment confirmation from the client’s bank. It is at the sole discretion of Sartoriadilusso to to decline, to process and/or to ship an order and/or offer a service to any person at any time. Any order or any service that is not processed, is rejected or not shipped, will be refunded, if already paid. To place an order at Sartoriadilusso clients must:be 18 years old or older, eligible and competent enough to enter legally binding contracts, have a valid e-mail address, have a valid card for authorization and payment: Visa, Master Card or American Express. Sartoriadilusso (for Frano S.r.l.s.) publishes information on its site in order to provide services to users, but declines every responsibility for possible technical errors and/or misprints.

Once the company has noticed the above mentioned mistakes, Sartoriadilusso (for Frano S.r.l.s.) will execute immediate corrections. Sartoriadilusso (for Frano S.r.l.s.) also reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the website when necessary without giving prior notice. Sartoriadilusso (for Frano S.r.l.s) does not offer any guarantee that the information published on its own website does not breach the laws of the user's respective jurisdiction and declines any responsibility for eventual problems, damages, viruses or risks that the user may incur during the use of this website. The Sartoriadilusso site is  protected according to the international Internet standards.

The site guarantees hat if is it is used correctly, he user can be sure. Sartoriadilusso (for Frano S.r.l.s.) declines any responsibility from eventual faulty operations of the website due to the disabling of "cookies" in the user's browser and reserves the right to modify the terms and the conditions contained in this legal note when it is necessary without giving prior notice.

Users must accept the terms and conditions of this legal notice, and must be sure to visit this page periodically to familiarize themselves with the updates, changes and corrections.
